Williams Investigations/Abracadabra Bonding - Missoula
Williams Investigations is a statewide one-stop shop in the Montana legal services industry.
Our mission is to maximize and diversify resources to provide our clientele with the most efficient, effective, and complete service possible in all capacities. Whether your case requires Private Investigations, Skip Trace, Service of Process, Judgment Recovery, Posting of a Notice, Background Check, Document Retrieval, Bail Bonds, Bond Enforcement, or any task in the investigative field, Williams Investigations is here for you. We are licensed, bonded, fully insured, and have over 40 years combined experience.
Williams Investigations/Abracadabra Bonding
100 Black Pine Trail
Missoula MT 59801
Tel: 406 442-2621; 877 616-ABRA (2272)
Private Investigations
The name says it all, we will make you feel secure in knowing you have done your due diligence in a case. Williams Investigations employs ex-military personnel with intelligence and reconnaissance experience. We cross train all of our investigators on industry standards and tactical methods to completely and thoroughly close each case with no questions left unanswered. Top of the line surveillance equipment and recording devices ensure you the best picture, so you won't miss any action. Professional interviewing tactics allow the interviewee to tell their story comfortably and truthfully. Let us show you what we can do.
Service of Process
Strong resources allow us to skip trace a person to their last known place of abode. Professional tactics and the combined experience and cross training of our servers ensure that we won't be led astray by someone who doesn't want to be served. We can also save you the expense and headache of transferring a paper to another town when the person has moved. Being a statewide company, Williams Investigations can simply send your paper to the appropriate town in the state and have it served. This saves you multiple service fees, as well as the need to file the paperwork again. We treat everyone with respect and dignity when serving legal process.
Judgment Recovery
Whether it be wages, bank accounts, state tax refunds, or physical assets that are seized to close the balance on your judgment, Williams Investigations will do it. We are well versed in the garnishment process, and have policies in place to ensure a seamless recovery of your money. Can't find an asset? Ask about a "Bankaround!"
Bail Bonds
Need help getting home? Our sister company Abracadabra Bonding Company can help you 24/7. Our friendly bondsmen and women will make sure you're home quickly without all the hassle.
