Schafer Insurance & Bonding
Serving North-Central Montana for over 40 years, providing auto, home, and commercial insurance, as well as bail bonds.
Schafer Insurance & Bonding
601 3rd Ave
Havre MT 59501-3917
Tel: 406 265-4344
Fax: 406 265-9335
Having yourself or a love one arrested is one of the most difficult events in life to deal with. With Schafer Insurance and Bonding, we can give you a release on life. Give us a call for more information.
How the process works:
After a person is arrested, the jail or court will set a bail amount (the dollar amount varies based on the alleged offense involved and other contributing factors). It is the court's way of making sure that a defendant appears at their scheduled court dates once released from jail.
In order for an individual to "post bail," or to secure the release of your friend/loved one from jail, they must turn over to the court, the full amount of the assigned bail amount. While the law demands that the bail be "non-excessive," these amounts can still be quite large and beyond the means of most people. That's where Schafer Insurance and Bonding can help. We will arrange to cover the financial obligation to the courts, so the defendant can be released. You will only owe Schafer Insurance and Bonding a small percentage of the full amount provided the defendant makes all required court appearances.
